Wednesday, June 15, 2011

All Dressed Up- Pirates of the... Cascades Park?

I love dressing up. I have loved it ever since I was a wee little lass. But as I've gotten older, I've not had the opportunity to have fun, and dress up. Even Wednesdays are hard for me because of a busy schedule. But, finally over the weekend I was able to get some great dress up time in, and get some pictures as well. 
My friend Felicia at Minuets and Martingales has been working on photography lately. She has some really great stuff, but she mostly likes to take landscape/nature shots (flowers, trees, lightning, etc.). She told me that she wanted to work on getting better at portraits, and taking/editing pictures of people. I volunteered to help. 
Saturday morning rolls around and I find myself waking up at 5:45 to get ready for my first photoshoot with Felicia. We went to a nearby park (Cascades), which was THE perfect place to go. They have a killer playground, a really fun creek that anyone can play in, cute stone shelters, and waterfalls (hence the name). We took advantage of all of the features, and I got to dress up in tons of different outfits. Today's All Dressed Up is the pirate segment of my photoshoot. 

So without further ado... I give you Pirates of the Cascades Park!

 Captain Hook? 
 Everyone knows that real pirates have monkeys on their shoulders instead of parrots!
climbing the mast. 
Boots: Thrifted, Top:, jeans: Target
So there you have it! Tune in next week, where I will either be a hippie, a Starkid, or something else! 


  1. Great pictures! I love the shirt, the boots, and especially the monkey! ;0)

  2. That monkey is just the greatest addition EVER!!!!!!!!

  3. Thanks to you both! The monkey was kind of a "spur of the moment" grab before we left, but I just thought it was too fun how we totally matched! It HAD to make it into the shoot. :)
