Everyone has "those days"; the days that seem to never end... the days where nothing goes as you planned... the days when you feel like curling up in a ball and sleeping for days. Two days ago, I had that day. I woke up really late to the sound of pouring rain and thunder. Thunderstorms are definitely NOT my favorite things. There was also a text waiting for me on my phone from a guy that I would have rather never heard from again in my life. All of this would have all been bad enough, without the unfortunate fact that I had been jilted the day before (I'm sure I'll tell you all about lame boys later). I let life get me down. I don't even remember most of my day, but I do know that I ate a lot of junk, and enjoyed every bite.
However, as the day progressed, and I let people get to me, and make me smile, and laugh, I realized that life doesn't have to be this way. Of course, there will always be rough days, and problems and emotions that are harder to deal with than others, but you can always move past them. There are so many voices in this world, and all of them are telling you different things. On that particular day, I was being told that I was worthless, and unable to be loved, and that I didn't deserve to be happy, and I think I was the main person saying these things. But that is crazy. I was getting caught up in the negative words, and I was beginning to believe them, and replay them in my head. But don't ever believe them. The things that are meant to hurt, to put down, or to provoke to anger, do not come from a place of love. They are not meant to help you grow or progress. They are meant to make you feel miserable, and that is a feeling I hope you never have.
Remember, my darling daughter, that you are very loved. There are people everywhere that want you to be happy and successful. You have to decide which voices you are going to listen to, and what to believe. Please listen to the positive, and live your life full of happiness. At the end of my terrible day, I was walking down the hallway of my dorm to my room, and I decided that I was not going to let tomorrow be the same. I was going to be happy. I was going to show myself, and any nay-sayers, that I am worth it. I deserve better than to feel the way I did. I was loved by my family and friends, and that was enough to get me back on track. Those little voices, and those ugly feelings, those are the things that are worthless and empty, and they deserve to be given no attention.
Be joyful my girl, and have love. Remember your great worth, and choose to listen to and feel the things that make you better, and you will be happier. And maybe, you will find a friend who is down, and help them know how much they are worth, and how much they are loved. I wish all the joy and cheer in the world for you.
Forever loved.
First follower of your blog. Yay! Love the concept -- love the text. Keep it up! :)